Teach Online | 2020
Global Creative Studio, Lucerne Teach Online, Lucerne
Three key pillars influenced decision-making throughout this design process: brand strategy, research, and user-testing.
From the start, we got all the stakeholders in one room and explored what the Teach Online brand means and what the vision and mission would be. This close collaboration early on also created a cohesive team spirit, inspiring a sense of shared ownership.
Part of the project’s success was using the research generated in the exploration phase and the brand strategy as waypoints to ensure that we led with a teacher-first approach. We followed up with user testing and feedback to validate our designs.
Our goal was to lead the project by putting the teachers first and at the heart of the decisions we made. One of the core brand values, which also directed the design and communication, was transparency, to be open and honest with our teachers.
We used the voices of our teachers to act as vital stakeholders in the design decisions we were making. In the form of personas and quotes, we circled back to them to ensure that we stayed on track.
"For years I would wait on freezing wet mornings for trains that were always late, And I would start my day of work soaking wet, cold and irate.
I was paying for extortionate train fares and childcare, Taking most of my wages - hardly any was spare.
The whole house was up at the crack of dawn, Utter mayhem, no time to chat, no time to yawn!
I decided I’d had enough.
I chose to stop the early morning rush, And the headache of the rush hour train crush.
Why do I teach for EF online? Because it has given me, and my family, the PRICELESS gift of TIME."
By Vicki Parkinson, Kids Teacher
Teach Online is inclusive, and the photography reflects that with character and personality, and professional execution. Genuine, authentic, and bold are the guiding principles, and imperfections are celebrated.
The shapes used are not abstract but symbols of our EF Circular alphabet. Through simplification, we create shapes connected with the teachers.
Our unique shape compositions form our teacher halos. The halos are in the background to support and lift the teachers, just as Teach Online provides the tools and knowledge to teach.
Our halos in print.
Our halos in print.
Elevating the teachers on our website.
The goal and brand values steered us to create a simple application flow that would be quick to complete and works well both on desktop and mobile devices.
A simple mobile application to accommodate our users.
We created a cost calculator that allows teachers to forecast their potential earnings per month based on their availability. The goal was to empower them to make informed teaching choices and get them excited about their salary per month.